The Quran

The holy Quran: an ultimate guidence

The Holy Quran is like a beautiful, shining cloth made of tiny messages from God. It’s not just a storybook; it’s like a friend who gives you good advice and helps you feel closer to God. The words are full of wisdom, kindness, and strong faith, showing you how to live a good life and be happy, both here and in the future.
Imagine you’re lost in a dark forest, scared and unsure which way to go. The Quran shines a light on the path, helping you choose the right direction. It’s like a treasure map for your soul, leading you to peace and happiness.

Even if you’re not Muslim, the Quran’s message can still touch your heart. It talks about important things like being fair, helping others, and living in peace. It shows us how to be good people and make the world a better place.

So, next time you see a Quran, remember it’s more than just words on a page. It’s a shining light, a whisper of hope, and a friend who’s always there to guide you.

the holy Quran: door of success

the holy quran
The Holy Quran

The holy Quran is the last book that Allah sent down to people. The religion of Islam is based on this holy book. The holy Quran was revealed by Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) by angel Jibriel علیہ السلام. The Quran is divided into 114 chapters commonly known as Surah’s. The root word of the Quran is Iqr’a.

The Quran is miraculous in its vocabulary. It started with Surah Al-Fatih and ended with Surah Al-Nas. The Quran has remained and will remain narrated from generation to generation and preserved in people’s hearts until the day of resurrection. Allah promised to preserve the Quran.

اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَ اِنَّا لَهٗ لَحٰفِظُوْنَ

“verily, we , it is we who have sent down the Dhikr and surely, we will guard it ( from corruption ) ” [Al-Hijar 15:9 ].

Allah protected the Quran from being changed and anything being added is taken away, and its meanings are distorted. Quran is a book in which all issues are mentioned and clear evidence and in which Allah reminds those who want to be reminded.

The Quran is the best source for individuals and the community to take material and spiritual guidance. It is a way to Hidaya for all classes of people living in any place around the world and living in any decays. The Quran is the only book which guides a person whether he is a president OR a man in the street. They both can find the things related to their lives. This thing is mentioned in the Quran in this way,

وَ هُدًى وَّ بُشْرٰى لِلْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ

” The Quran is guidance and glad tidings for those who believe.” [ Al-Baqra 2:97]

The Quran is a mysterious book in the way that it never bores its readers. A person who read it once, The craving for reading increased in him. It opens a new door of knowledge for him. The Quran tells the way of living. It contains all kinds of principles of this world. Many things are proven nowadays, Quran told us 14 years ago. It is a fact that as time gets older, the Quran gets younger.

Many events took place later, in the Quran that were told many centuries ago. If a human has been able to read it and evaluate it, he will be able to explore this universe. As it covers all aspects of life joy and sorrow, health and illness, and life and death, one can find solutions to any kind of problem, related to any issue.

Quran describes the death and life after death. It tells about. the rewards and punishments from which one can suffer based on his deeds. Islam divides life into two clear ways. One way leads to Jannah and the other to Hell. Quran identifies the deeds into two categories to guide us which deeds cause to make us Jannati and which will cause to throw us into hell, and the life hereafter will be eternal and limitless.

It’s most important for a Muslim to obey the Quran and follow its instructions to live a successful life not only in this world but also in eternal life.

some beautiful and realistic lines for this holy book are written below;

A bridge between creation, and the Divine unseen,
Where mortals touch the heavens,a dialogue serene.
In words of fire and water, of earth and boundless sky,
The Quran whispers secrets, as tears well up in the eye.

More precious than rubies, more fragrant than a rose,
The Quran’s melody lingers, wherever life bestows.
A living testament, with verses evergreen,
A tapestry of hope, where beauty’s light is seen.

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