Surah Kahf, a shelter from dajjal and a light for believers

Surah Al-Kahf, the 18th chapter of the Quran, is a captivating narrative that tells the story of a group of young believers seeking refuge in a cave to escape religious persecution.

 The Surah imparts valuable lessons through four distinct tales, emphasizing the importance of faith, humility, and patience. It encourages believers to be wary of materialism and to seek spiritual understanding.

 Al-Kahf also introduces the enigmatic figure of Dhul-Qarnayn, illustrating the righteous use of power and knowledge. Reciting Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays is considered a blessed practice, and the Surah serves as a source of guidance for navigating life’s challenges with steadfast faith and moral integrity.

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Surah Kahf

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surah kahf

As we know the holy Quran is a beautiful treasure of wisdom. All the surahs of Quraan are based on some incident and about some specific topic. Surah kahff is a knowledge sea and a beautiful narration of ashaab e kahf.

story of ashaab-e-kahff

In Surah Kahff there is a tale of some young people about what happened to them and how Allah almighty showed a miracle to disbelievers.

It’s about some young believers who lived when people were worshipping false gods. These brave youths, strong in their faith in the one true God, hid in a cave to escape harm. Allah made them sleep for many years to keep them safe.

When they woke up, the world had changed, and their story became known. This tale teaches us about having strong faith, Allah’s protection, and the importance of doing what is right, even when it’s tough.

what is the story of khider in surah kahff?

In Surah Kahff there is a beautiful lesson taught by the Hazrat Khider to Hazrat Musa (A.S).
Hazrat Khider was a very wise and intelligent prophet of Allah almighty. In this tale, we come to know how wisely he handled different situations that occurred during his journey.

 In this narrative, Prophet Moses (Musa) accompanies Khidr on a journey, seeking knowledge from him. Khidr, a wise and knowledgeable servant of Allah, performs three mysterious actions that Moses finds difficult to understand. These actions include damaging a boat, killing a young boy, and repairing a wall in a town that did not welcome them.

Khidr explains that each action has a hidden divine wisdom behind it. The boat was damaged to prevent its seizure by a king who was seizing all boats. The young boy, though seemingly innocent, was destined to grow up to be disobedient to his righteous parents. The wall was repaired to safeguard the treasures of two orphan boys in the town.

This story emphasizes the wisdom behind Allah’s actions, often beyond human comprehension. It teaches humility and the acknowledgment of our limited understanding, highlighting that Allah’s knowledge and wisdom surpass ours.

who was zulqarnain(a.s)?

Zulqarnain, often identified as Dhul-Qarnayn, is a figure mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Kahf (18:83-101). The identity of Dhul-Qarnayn is not explicitly specified in the Quran, leading to various interpretations. However, there are historical and traditional perspectives.

Dhul-Qarnayn is described as a powerful and just ruler who traveled to different parts of the world, reaching the far west and far east. Allah granted him authority and resources, and he used his power to establish justice and assist people. In one notable event, Dhul-Qarnayn encounters a community oppressed by Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj), and he builds a barrier to contain them.

The story illustrates Dhul-Qarnayn’s righteous leadership, the responsibility that comes with power, and his commitment to justice. The narrative serves as a reminder of the importance of using authority and resources to promote good, protect the weak, and establish justice in the world.

importance of surah kahff in the light of hadith

As we know the Quran is the blessing of Allah. And every surah has its fragrance. surah kahff is a surah that saves us from the djjal and as mentioned in hadith books no fitna is greater than the fitna-e-djjal.

  • Abu Darda reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    “Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday), a light will shine for him from beneath his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forgiven (his sins) between the two Fridays.”
  • Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    “Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, a door will be opened for him in the sky, and he will have the provision of the week.”
    (Ibn Kathir)
  • Ibn Mardawaih reports from Abdullah ibn Mughaffal marfooan: The home in which Surah Kahf is recited, Shaytaan does not enter that house on that specific night. (Roohul Ma’ani, vol. 8, pg. 289).

These hadiths highlight the special virtues and blessings associated with reciting Surah Al-Kahf, especially on Fridays. The emphasis on this practice serves as a means of seeking Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, and protection from trials.

top benefits of reciting Surah Kahff

1. Noor:

A light will be illuminated between him and Makkah and he will be illuminated with it on the day of resurrection.

From Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, who said: “Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient House (the Kaaba).”(Narrated by al-Daarimi, 3407. This hadeeth was classed as Saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami, 6471)

“Whoever reads the letter of Al-Kahf on Friday, will be emitted light for him between two Jum’at.” (Narrated by Al-Hakim: 2/368 and Al-Bayhaqi: 3/249.)

2. Forgiveness from Sins:

Anyone who reads Surah Kahf on Friday then His sins between the two Fridays will be forgiven.

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
“The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, a light will shine for him from beneath his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forgiven (his sins) between the two Fridays.’”Al-Mundhiri said this was narrated by Abu Bakr ibn Mardawayh in his Tafseer, with an isnaad with which there was nothing wrong. (al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/298)

3. Protection from Dajjal:

This is a very unique virtue of this Surah. We are encouraged to memorize the first ten verses of this Surah and we are promised protection from the fitna of dajjal. According to many scholars, we are at the end of time and it’s high time that we take this seriously and act on the following hadith and encourage our children as well do to this.

“If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Sahih Muslim 809a)

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