Surah Yaseen the heart of quran

Surah Yaseen online is the 36th surah of the Holy Quran, Yaseen Shareef has 83 Verses and 807 words, Surah Yaseen has 3028 letters and 5 Ruku.

Muslim youth worldwide recite, memorize, and read Surah Yaseen with incredible holiness and respect. There are many benefits of the Surah Yaseen reading specified by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in His various sayings.

Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Said:

“Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen, and I would like it to be in the hearts of all believers in my community.”

Surah Yaseen Listen Online

Surah Yaseen

Surah Yaseen Read Online


surah yaseen online

Historical Context

Surah Yaseen was revealed in Makkah and is classified as a Meccan surah. It comprises 83 verses (ayat) and is named after the letter “Ya Seen” with which it begins. The surah is situated between Surahs 35 and 37 in the Quran.

Like many other chapters, Surah Yaseen addresses the core beliefs of Islam, emphasizing the oneness of Allah, the importance of faith, and the consequences of disbelief.

Spiritual Significance

Muslims hold Yaseen in high regard for its spiritual benefits. It is often recited during distress, illness, or when seeking Allah’s mercy. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said,

Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen”
This hadith highlights the special status that this Surah occupies among the chapters of the Quran.

Message of Surah Yaseen

The surah begins with the Arabic letters “Ya Seen,” which are among the mysterious letters found at the beginning of some chapters in the Quran. The exact meaning of these letters remains known only to Allah, and they serve as a testament to the miraculous nature of the Quran.

The central themes of Yaseen include the oneness of Allah, the truthfulness of the Quran, and the role of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a messenger. The surah recounts the stories of past prophets, particularly the story of Prophet Musa (Moses) and the people of Fir’aun (Pharaoh), as a reminder of the consequences of rejecting divine guidance.

The surah also emphasizes the signs of Allah’s creation in the natural world, encouraging reflection and contemplation. It calls upon humanity to recognize the divine signs in the heavens, the earth, and within themselves, urging them to submit to the Creator willingly.

benefits of Surah al- Yaseen’s recitation

Surah al-Yaseen is known for its numerous virtues and rewards, both in this world and the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated,

“Whoever recites Yaseen at night, seeking the pleasure of Allah, their sins will be forgiven”
(Ibn Hibban)
Additionally, the surah is believed to intercede on behalf of the person who recites it regularly, especially on Fridays.

Surah Yaseen isn’t just words, it’s a reminder of why we’re here. It tells us to think about Allah, admit our mistakes, and aim to please Him. By understanding it, we can find a path to doing what’s right and getting closer to our Creator.

But remember, to fully grasp Surah Yaseen, study its explanations and talk to knowledgeable people. This article is just a beginning to spark your interest and encourage you to explore more about this special part of the Quran.


Surah Yaseen holds a unique and revered position in the hearts of Muslims. Its recitation is not only a source of spiritual solace but also a means of seeking blessings and forgiveness.

Understanding the themes and messages embedded in this surah allows believers to deepen their connection with the Quran and draw inspiration from the stories of past prophets.

As Muslims recite Surah Yaseen, they are reminded of the importance of faith, the consequences of disbelief, and the mercy of the Almighty Allah.

I hope this journey through Surah Yaseen has been interesting and uplifting. May its wisdom and beauty keep touching believers’ hearts and minds for a long time.